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YFriday, December 12, 2008' 3:55 PM
}sweet happy endings

Hello peeps !
Gonna post a short post today , about the meaning of Shit && TTS's superduperwuperzuper lovely names in case you're curious to know .
Well , Shit stands for
*drum roll*
Talkative ...


TTS means

Sucks .

Okay NO OFFENCE to anyone .
Ending here .
Ciao .

YThursday, August 21, 2008' 3:49 PM
}sweet happy endings

And now, the Tans have a new addition to their lovely family : their pride&joy ,TaylorTanDaBian.
It was 7 months ago when SHIT first felt just a little nauseous.
TTS felt worried.They had only been married for 1 year!Was SHIT going to leave him so soon?
Just as he was thinking not-very-nice thoughts, SHIT gave a huge gasp and fainted.

"SHIT!Don't leave me!!!"
He, as quick as lightning, rushed SHIT to the hospital.
"Mrs Tan, what have you been eating lately?"
"me?oh.Normal things such as wasabi-flavoured shit.why?"
"Good news!You are going to be parents soon!"
TTS was sooo happy.He gave SHIT a huge hug.From then on, TTS began to pamper SHIT alot.Although TTS was so good to SHIT, SHIT began to develop post-pregnancy blues.She soon got tired of her lovely long locks and wanted them snipped away, nice and clean like those models in shops(who were actually fake people.In case you didn't know,SHIT had terrible eyesight.)She decided to propose this question to TTS.TTS, as always, gave in to his wife.Just as his wife was getting ready to go out to that oh-so-wonderful-newly-opened hairdresser, TTS had a brainwave(or so he thought).He had learnt hair-dressing in kindergarten hadn't he?
"Darling?Why don't I cut your hair for you?I have a licence :D "
SHIT didnt really wanted TTS to cut his hair (his licence looked a bit, well, doodled on),but looking at her husband "beautiful" taupou-shaped eyes, her heart melted.
"Oh well.Just cut it properly.If you don't..."
SHIT clenched up her fist and punched the air.TTS nodded his head quickly- he knew his wife's temper.He got out his scissors and started to snip....
TTS crouched in the corner - what was going to happen to him this time?He hoped that it wasn't going to be SHIT taking away all his packets of dried taupok-he couldn't live without them.
"hubby!You-are such a genius!"
SHIT screamed as she went over to kiss TTS.He heaved a sigh of relief and looked proudly at his wife.He had never realised how beautiful she looked.
6months later.....
SHIT felt that her stomach was hurting her terribly.
"Must be the dried taupok I sneaked from hubby's underwear drawer yesterday"
SHIT thought."No wonder hubby's farts are so smelly"
She wanted to get up from the sofa, but was unable to.TTS looked at her in amazement.Whatever was happening to his lovely wife?"Hubby..."SHIT groaned as she let out a smelly fart.TTS's face turned green.He quickly reached for the anti-toxic mask around his wife's neck and dialled 999 and the hospital.
He left the police to clear the air in is house while he accompanied his wife to the maternity ward.
He was stopped by the nurses outside the ward so he had to wait outside for his wife.
1hr passed...
2hrs passed....
3hrs passed....
Finally, just as TTS was attacking his 10th packet of dried taupok, he heard a loud wail from the ward - his wife had given birth!
"Congrats!Its a boy!"
He demanded to be led to see his wife and his wife.He was led passed the normal patients ward and the high-crass high-class wards."Could darling have..."He was so sad by his thought that he burst into tears."I know you are sad too.We feel sad for you too."The nurse tried to comfort him.
Finally, he was led to a ward : VERY DANGEROUS.
He was shocked -what did it mean?The nurse handed him a mask that looked suspiciously like the mask he had been wearing just now.He entered and saw his tired-looking wife lying on the bed.There was a crib beside it and in it laid his son.
"OH!He is so cute!My dear dear son.."
He carried his son over to his wife's bed and they together, discussed a name for their son.TTS wanted him to be named Taupok tan Tie Ren but SHIT had other ideas.
"NO!Certainly not!"
TTS protested loudly.Just then a nurse entered and handed them their son's birth cert."Write his name there"the nurse ordered.
"I'll write"
offered TTS.SHIT shook her head and let out a huge fart.TTS fell to the ground and SHIT happily filled in her son's name.She felt victorious
"Isnt mummy clever?"
She gaggled at her newborn who gave a snort."What?!"The newborn looked startled and quickly nodded.SHIT knew that she was the man of the house now.
So this is how TaylorTanDaBian got into this world.Hope you enjoy my little tale.Goodbye!

YThursday, March 29, 2007' 10:39 PM
}sweet happy endings

Hello!!! Today, Shit wrote a poem about TTS. We are going to write the poem down so we have to reveal TTS name...So sorry but no offence ok? His name is Terrence! The poem...

Terence is a pig
Everybody says he is lazy
Ridiculous and fat,
Everyone hates him
Nothing he can do so he
Commit sucide
Everyone says "good!"

Its kind of like insulting him, but this is just a joke! Please do not take it too hard ok Terence? Hope that you will not find out this blog in the first place!

Y' 10:25 PM
}sweet happy endings

This blog is to tell you more about the life of someone call David Marshall ( A nickname) and Mr Tan...
We will not reveal their real names but we gave the wife a name call "Shit" no offence and the husband, TTS.
It all begins when one day during our social studies lesson, we were call to draw a poster to vote our friend to become a class monitor or prefect( your choice) when TTS draw Shit the face of David Marshall.
His drawing was so ridiculous that we all started laughing.
It was just so funny.
Me and my friend ( will not reveal the names) started inventing this story and we will recommand it to our friends( The more the merrier).
Hope that you enjoy!



Just two simple sentences .
1 Our stories mean no offence to anyone.
2 If you think we are wrong , read 1.

italic,strike,bold, and underline.



Shit loves TTS
TTS loves Shit



A Boy [achieved!]
A Girl [achieved!]
More children for Shit && TTS
A happy ending (:



Tag to be link or relink or unlink ! :D

Jun Hao
Shi Ting





Now Playing;
Artist: Secondhand Serenade
Title: Fall For You



March 2007
August 2008
December 2008



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